Broadsheet: From Gaol to Artistic Education: A New Exhibition at the National Art School Celebrates the Site’s Rich History
By Jane Albert
The former Darlinghurst Gaol has plenty of stories to tell, from murderous bushrangers and famous poets to Archibald-winning artists. This new exhibition reveals the ghosts of the past, and celebrates 100 years of artistic prestige.
Since 1922 it has been art students, not inmates, who have wandered the evocative, historic sandstone campus. A new exhibition, Captivate: The National Art School and Darlinghurst Gaol, explores the site’s rich history – from its decades as a place of corporal punishment, to its transformation over the past century into the prestigious art school that gave us artists including Margaret Olley, Robert Klippel, Tony Tuckson, Fiona Hall and Joan Ross, and boasted teachers such as William Dobell.