Covid-19 Student FAQs

The COVID-19 Pandemic has been carefully monitored by the National Art School. NAS has taken conscious, precautionary steps to establish and develop our response measures as required. NAS will continue to adhere to State and Federal health and safety advice to ensure a safe and maintainable return of staff and students to the NAS campus.

NAS is dedicated to ensuring that any disturbance to our student’s education is minimised and NAS has devised numerous student-centric solutions.

NAS’s priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff, students and the wider community. The FAQs outlined below have been advised by the:• The World Health Organisation (WHfiO)
• Department of Health
• NSW Health
• Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

NAS will continue to support our staff and students through the COVID-19 Pandemic.

These FAQs are being updated as NAS becomes aware of newly released information.


CONTACT Student Services

+61 2 9339 8744
[email protected]

A message to NAS Students from NAS Chair Carolyn Fletcher AM


Have there been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 at NAS?

No. NAS has not been notified of any confirmed cases of COVID-19 among our staff, students or visitors to NAS.

When will NAS campus be open again?       

Will my attendance record be affected by a shut-down period?

No. Your attendance record for any classes will not be negatively affected.

Why are enrolment census dates being suspended?

Enrolment census dates are the last date at which students can enrol or withdraw from a unit of study.

All current enrolment census dates are being suspended until there is greater clarity about any revised academic program and likely end dates of units of study in any re-structuring of the academic year.

The suspension of enrolment census is intended to give our students the necessary time to consider their options without fear of being unfairly burdened with any fee liabilities.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for any changes in course delivery?

Students will be advised in due course of any particular requirements. NAS is committed to providing study options that will not require students to buy expensive equipment or software.

Will tuition fees for the subjects I am enrolled in change?

Given our commitment to implementing contingency plans that will allow us to deliver course content and volume of learning as anticipated – albeit in a modified structure and mode – fees for units of study are not expected to change at this stage.

In the event that any unit of study were unable to proceed, enrolled students would not incur a fee liability for that unit of study.

As all enrolments census dates have been suspended until further notice, students will have time to consider their options without fear of academic or financial penalty.

What will happen if NAS cannot re-open for an extended period?

In the event that NAS cannot resume normal operation for an extended period, NAS contingency plans will adapt to the timing of re-opening of the campus. In the event that some subjects cannot be fully completed, NAS will adapt its plans accordingly.

CV19 Funding Support to Students

The Australian Government has announced more payments for students affected by the outcomes of the spread of CV19.

Students who are currently on Youth Allowance for students, Austudy and ABSTUDY are eligible for:

  • A temporary fortnightly $550 Coronavirus Supplement from 27 April 2020. The supplement will be an extra $550 a fortnight on top of your normal payment rate. (This is to assist students who have lost their jobs, but it is paid regardless of whether you were previously working or not).
    The first $750 Economic Support Payment from 31 March 2020, if you’re getting an eligible payment on any day from 12 March to 13 April 2020 you will receive the $750.
  • A second $750 Economic Support Payment from 13 July 2020 if you’re getting an eligible payment or have an eligible concession card on 10 July 2020.
  • expand eligibility for some payments and make them easier to claim
  • make Crisis Payment available if you need to self-isolate, are in severe financial hardship and you can get an income support payment

For new students who do not currently receive study benefits, it has been advised that you phone Centrelink to make a claim. We understand you need to be enrolled in full time study, for further details please check the Centrelink website.

Previous Correspondence

#1: 17 March 2020

National Art School
Covid-19 Update
17 March 2020

A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

I am writing to provide you with an update regarding the National Art School and Covid-19.

The health and safety of our students, staff and visitors is our utmost concern. In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic we have put a number of precautionary measures in place to minimise risk of infection and transmission. This includes increased cleaning across the site and sanitisers in all public areas, re-assessing class sizes, reducing gatherings on site and implementing recommendations from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, including recommending that visitors keep a safe distance from each other when visiting our galleries and programs.

The National Art School remains open and continues to teach across the academic program and short courses. The 22nd Biennale of Sydney exhibition NIRIN remains open as does our cafe Two Emus, the Print Lab, the Library and Parkers Art Supplies.

To further increase the safety of our School and community we have decided to postpone or cancel public events and related programs for the months of March and April, effective immediately. This includes school visits and school workshops, site tours, education expos, the Autumn school holiday program, and Biennale of Sydney public programs.

In recognition of the growing pandemic and in accordance with government issued advice, the National Art School is undertaking a range of immediate measures to maintain health and safety for students, staff and visitors. Non-frontline staff will work from home. This period of time is yet to be determined as we continue to take direction and advice from the Department of Health, Department of Premier and Cabinet, and TEQSA. If you would like to discuss your work circumstance, please have a conversation with your supervisor and Juanita in HR.

I can assure you we have well developed academic contingency plans, scenario plans and are up to date on current Government advice and directives to ensure the safety and comfort of staff, students and visitors. This is a quickly changing landscape and we are continually updating our status as per Government requirements.

Thank you for your consideration as we put in place systems to ensure the health and safety of the community at National Art School. Please refer to the FAQ’s below and for ongoing updates we have created a page on our website, Covid-19 Response. For further health enquiries, please contact NSW Health on 1800 022 222 or visit

The following actions have been / are in the process of being implemented:

  • Hospital grade disinfectant has been ordered and cleaning team are making the change over to this.
  • Additional hand sanitizes have been provided in all kitchen spaces and entries where possible. There has obviously been a backlog due to shortage of stock.
  • Additional soap and hand dispensers have been requested for all toilets. There is a backlog and we hope to have them installed as quickly as possible once they arrive.
  • Masks have been provided on site for staff.
  • Toolbox talks have and will continue to be conducted with cleaning team in regards to general hygiene and increased cleaning of all hand points.
  • Facilities have also managed to purchase some hand sanitiser in bulk and have been decanting in to small hand pumps bottles.
  • Request to cleaning company to put together a plan of action for a full hygienic clean.


Degree Programs
Teaching in our degree programs will continue with some minor modifications effective immediately. These modifications will better enable the observance of current ‘social distancing’ advice and will be maintained until further notice.

Art History Core Lectures
Large scale core lectures such as AHT100 and AHT300 lectures will be recorded and delivered on-line through the NAS Art History website. Students will be notified via email of the availability of lectures once posted.

Art History Tutorials
Art History tutorials will proceed as normal.

Art History and Studio Seminars
Larger seminar groups (including some AHT Electives, and Studio Seminars) are being rescheduled into larger spaces or re-timetabled into smaller groups where required. Students will be notified by email of any such venue or timetabling changes. Updated timetables will also be posted in Student Services notice board.

Studio Classes (including Drawing)
Studio classes will continue as normal.

Wednesday Art Forum lunchtime Lecture
Our weekly Wednesday Art Forum Lunchtime Lectures have been cancelled until further notice.

NAS Galleries and Exhibitions
The NAS Gallery including Biennale of Sydney installations across the NAS campus, and NAS Library Stairwell Gallery remain open. Exhibition openings and events are on hold until further notice.

Café, Print Lab, Library and Parkers Art Supplies
The Two Emus café, Print Lab, Library and Parkers Art Supplies remain open.

Events and Related Programs
Whilst Term 1 Short Courses will continue, to further increase the safety of our School and community we have made the decision to postpone or cancel a range of other events and related programs for the months of March and April, effective immediately. This includes school visits and school workshops, site tours, education expos, Autumn school holiday program, and the Biennale of Sydney public programs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
NAS has a developed a Frequently Asked Questions sheets for staff and students. This FAQ is attached to this email and is available on the NAS website.

Your wellbeing as a student is our greatest concern. We are reviewing the situation on a daily basis and will continue to provide updates. Please ensure you regularly check your emails to ensure you receive our most up to date advice. NSW Health is encouraging people not to attend public events if they feel unwell. If you have travelled overseas to a higher risk country, we ask that you adhere to the latest isolation advice from NSW Health. For health enquiries, please contact NSW Health on 1800 022 222 or visit
Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#2: 18 March 2020

National Art School
#2 Covid-19 Update
18 March 2020

A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Dear Students,

As advised in Tuesday’s all student email update, NAS has instituted a number of measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following guidance is issued to help clarify individual aspects of the NAS response for students.

Social Distancing Protocols
Current advice of Health officials recommends maintenance of social distancing wherever possible with specific advice regarding mass gatherings over 100. In keeping with that advice, NAS has agreed to implement further reductions of student gatherings across the School.

NAS will continue to deliver all core AHT lectures in on on-line format until further notice with large seminar groups (in excess of 25) being scheduled into larger spaces as required.

The introduction of social distancing presents challenges in conventional studio teaching contexts, and all staff and students are asked to observe protocols practically wherever possible and to discuss with your lecturer.

Where possible, we recommend all students follow social distancing recommendations of 1.5 metres to the nearest person. We would like to reiterate our advice that any student who is unwell should not attend NAS. If you start to feel unwell while at NAS please let staff know immediately, isolate yourself from others, seek safe travel to your home and seek medical advice. NAS staff will assist in arranging your travel.

The latest advice on Social Distancing issued by the Department of Health is HERE.

In spite of measures NAS has introduced and the relatively small studio class sizes at NAS, we understand that students may feel uncomfortable in such situations at present – particularly those with underlying health issues and those reliant on public transport to get to and from NAS. Accordingly, we accept that some students will elect to not attend NAS for the time being.

Student Absence
All NAS attendance policies cater for exceptional circumstances and therefore our aim would be to work with students to meet the intended learning outcomes, despite the current circumstances.

Dependent on the extent of the period of absence we will deal with absence according to the following table:

Please continue to monitor your email in order to ensure you are receiving the latest news and advice with regard to your study at NAS during this period. Please advise student services of any sustained period of absence.

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#3: 19 March 2020

National Art School
#3 Covid-19 Update
19 March 2020

A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Dear Students,

Thank you again for your understanding and patience during this challenging time. The National Art School is open and I wanted to particularly thank all of the students who have spoken with me and sent emails. Your voice is heard, and we are taking your comments on board. I have heard your thoughts about remaining open, travelling to and from NAS, site cleaning, social distancing, respiratory etiquette, hand hygiene and class sizes. Thank you.

Student Absence
I wanted to reiterate some important points about our student absence policies. All NAS attendance policies cater for exceptional circumstances and therefore our aim would be to work with students to meet the intended learning outcomes, despite the current circumstances. Dependent on the extent of the period of absence we will deal with absence according to the following table:

In spite of measures NAS has introduced and the relatively small studio class sizes at NAS, we understand that students may feel uncomfortable in such situations at present – particularly those with underlying health issues and those reliant on public transport to get to and from NAS. Accordingly, we accept that some students will elect to not attend NAS for the time being.

Please continue to monitor your email in order to ensure you are receiving the latest news and advice with regard to your study at NAS during this period. Please advise student services of any sustained period of absence.

Two points for dealing with Covid-19 concerns:
At this challenging time we need to ensure we are looking after ourselves, both physically and mentally. Please review the two points below:

  1. Assess your risk level and act accordingly

There are four risk levels to keep in mind. Acting accordingly to your risk level will help you be prepared and stay realistic. Again, if you’re not at high risk of contagion, there’s no sense in worrying as if you were.

  • High Risk: Someone is considered high risk when they live in the same household, are an intimate partner of, or provide care in a non-healthcare setting with a person who is symptomatic and who has a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus infection. People are also high-risk when proper precautions for home care and home isolation are not followed.
  • Medium Risk: Someone is considered medium risk when they interact closely with a person who is symptomatic and who has a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus infection, without being exposed to high-risk close contact delineated above (2 meters).
  • Low Risk: Someone who is within the same indoor environment as a person with symptomatic, laboratory confirmed coronavirus for a prolonged period of time but in a proximity that is not considered close contact (2 meters).
  • No Identifiable Risk: Someone who interacts with a symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection that does not meet the conditions for high risk, medium risk, or low-risk. This includes walking by the person or being in the same room for a short amount of time.


  1. Practice good hygiene and self-care

Practicing good hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent yourself from being exposed to or contracting the virus. Good hygiene is also the element you have the most control over. You are responsible for your health practices and they can make a tremendous difference, for you or for someone who might be immuno-compromised and at greater risk of serious repercussions from infection.
Basic hygiene tips include:

  • Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
  • Avoiding touching your face, nose, mouth, and eyes
  • Sanitizing commonly used surfaces
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
  • Staying home when sick
  • Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue (and throwing it in the trash!)

Ensure you are taking care of yourself by eating well, exercising, and practicing good sleep hygiene. Don’t forget these basics! Like hygiene habits, you are in control of these habits, which can be essential in times when you feel powerlessness.

Definition of COVID-19
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness varying from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). They are found worldwide in humans and animals. Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not previously been identified in humans before. COVID-19 is similar to SARS coronavirus and in the same family as MERS coronavirus.

Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms of COVID-19 can include fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose and breathing difficulties. People who are considered at high risk may have travelled from China recently or been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. NSW Health is recommending for individuals who have travelled from overseas in the 14 days before the onset of symptoms to seek medical attention.

Does the annual flu vaccine protect me against COVID-19?
Flu vaccines do not offer protection against COVID-19. COVID-19 requires its own vaccine and researchers are currently working to develop a vaccine against COVID-19.

Testing for COVID-19
You will need to follow the advice of your doctor and where required NSW Health. If you are advised by your doctor or NSW Health to not attend NAS campus for a period of time, please contact Student Services. NAS strongly recommends that any student who is being tested for coronavirus does not attend NAS until they are able to confirm negative test results.

Social Distancing Protocols
The latest advice on Social Distancing issued by the Department of Health is HERE

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#4: 22 March 2020

National Art School
#4 Covid-19 Update
22 March 2020

A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Dear Students,

The Prime Minister has just announced some new measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 after the National Cabinet met tonight.

We now await further specific direction which will come to us from the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), NSW Government, out of the National Cabinet meeting tonight.

Tomorrow morning I will send a detailed update, with full information of NAS operations from Tuesday onwards. NAS is open tomorrow, Monday 23 March.

I can assure you we have been working hard on the NAS Academic Contingency Plan and have the best intentions to deliver our academic program this year.

Thank you for patience and understanding and I will provide more details tomorrow.

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#5: 23 March 2020

National Art School
#5 Covid-19 Update
23 March 2020

A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Dear Students,

As of today Monday 23 March 2020, The National Art School is closed. This is a directive of the State Government, responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Today is a transition day with no face-to-face teaching programs. NAS will be open to allow students and staff to come in and pick up essential materials and artworks. Student Services, the Library and NAS administration will be open alongside The Biennale of Sydney exhibition, Nirin.

The welfare, health and education of students is our priority at the National Art School. I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as this situation has developed over the past weeks and months.

We are working hard to finalise our Academic Contingency Plan; to ensure we provide the best art education possible in a blended form utilising both on-line and onsite teaching and learning, and utilising other weeks of the year beyond the current 27 teaching weeks of our Academic year. We do have the best interests of our students in mind and I can definitely see a means to provide the rich art education NAS is renowned for, it will just take different forms. We will shortly provide details of the Academic Contingency Plan, and further updates of the length of time for the closure.

We will be suspending enrolment census dates until further details of course delivery are confirmed. Please stay close to your emails and the NAS website for further updates as new information becomes available. We will provide twice weekly updates on our academic programs, starting this Friday 27 March.

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#6: 23 March 2020

National Art School
#6 Covid-19 Update
23 March 2020

A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Dear Students,

As of close of business today Monday 23 March 2020, The National Art School is closed. This is a directive of the State Government, responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This means that the gates will shut at 5pm, today, Monday 23 March 2020. 

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#7: 25 March 2020

National Art School
#7 Covid-19 Update
25 March 2020

A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Dear Students,

Re: Academic Contingency Plan Update, the $550 Coronavirus Supplement, and Student Support Services

I hope you are well and safe – and are tucked into your AHT readings or making art.

I realise this is a turbulent time with changes here at NAS and some losing jobs and changing living arrangements. I wanted to say we are all thinking of you, and want to ensure you we are working hard on delivering the 2020 academic program for you. We are also very invested in your welfare, so we have prepared a summary of the $550 coronavirus supplement paid to Youth allowance for students, Austudy and ABSTUDY. We have also prepared a student support services list so you can access the many support structures available.

I can assure you the Board, the Executive Leadership Team, the Leadership Team, and ASDC are working very hard to develop a plan for this year and the ongoing sustainability of NAS. Our present priorities are:

  • The health and wellbeing of students and staff
  • Finalising the academic contingency plan by 7 April 2020
  • Planning for our ongoing financial sustainability

The Academic Contingency Plan (ACP)
We will present the academic contingency plan on 7 April, with SRC (student rep’s) being consulted next week. We are planning to be teaching again onsite at the start of Semester 2. The academic calendar is 27 weeks in a year and we have already delivered three weeks. This means we are looking to deliver studio programs at the start of Semester 2, during the latter part of the year; utilising weekday, night time and weekend studio access. We have contingencies in place for further delays to include teaching in January and February if required.

The Academic Autumn break has been moved forward to now; starting from 23 March and continuing to 9 April.

The ACP is being finalised, there are many more parts to it, but at present we anticipate the following:

  • Online Learning Orientation Week 7 – 9 April
  • Student/ lecturer online engagement starting 7 April
  • Online AHT classes, drawing studies and studio seminars commencing 14 April
  • Professional Studies course delivered online, starting late April
  • New census date for all subjects confirmed in conjunction with the ACP announcement
  • Resume postgraduate supervision online from 14 April
  • Onsite studio based programs starting Semester 2

Further details will be forthcoming as we finalise the ACP over the next two weeks. We have been in conversation with UNSWAD, SCA and ANU and other art schools to compare approaches and ensure we are delivering the most comprehensive art education during this challenging time.

Pick Up Artworks and Materials
You can call into the campus this Friday 27 March and next Tuesday 31 March from 11am to 5pm to pick up materials and artworks.

CV19 Funding Support to Students
The Australian Government has announced more payments for students affected by the outcomes of the spread of CV19.

Students who are currently on Youth Allowance for students, Austudy and ABSTUDY are eligible for:

  • A temporary fortnightly $550 Coronavirus Supplement from 27 April 2020. The supplement will be an extra $550 a fortnight on top of your normal payment rate. (This is to assist students who have lost their jobs, but it is paid regardless of whether you were previously working or not).
    The first $750 Economic Support Payment from 31 March 2020, if you’re getting an eligible payment on any day from 12 March to 13 April 2020 you will receive the $750.
  • A second $750 Economic Support Payment from 13 July 2020 if you’re getting an eligible payment or have an eligible concession card on 10 July 2020.
  • expand eligibility for some payments and make them easier to claim
  • make Crisis Payment available if you need to self-isolate, are in severe financial hardship and you can get an income support payment

For new students who do not currently receive study benefits, it has been advised that you phone Centrelink to make a claim. I believe you need to be enrolled in full time study, for further details please check the Centrelinkwebsite.

Student Support Services
Please click on the link to access some information about housing, wellbeing, mental health services, counselling, community services and our NAS contact details.

NAS Counsellor
Upasana Papadopoulos
[email protected]
If you would like to talk with our student counsellor, please contact Upasana via email, leaving your mobile details and Upasana will get back to you.

NAS Academic Literacy Officer
Samantha Thompson
[email protected]
Samantha can provide support and direction with essay writing, editing, citations and any literacy issues you may have. Best to contact via email.

Student Services
For more information or to talk with our team, please call 9339 8744 or email [email protected]

Next update is this Friday which will also include a video message.

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#8: 27 March 2020

National Art School
#8 Covid-19 Update
27 March 2020
A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Steven Alderton
Dear Students,

Re: Video Update, Student emails, FAQ’s, Artwork/ materials Pickup

Video Update
Please go to the link above to see a video update for today, Friday 27 March.

Student FAQs
We have compiled an up-to-date FAQ sheet. For further details about our current circumstance and how it affects NAS students, please go to

Student Emails
We are bringing forward the roll out of the NAS student emails. This will give you each an individual ‘’ email address which also then enables the rollout of the Office 365 suite, which includes Outlook emails, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and more. For more details about Office 365 go to

Adobe Creative Suite have announced it will be providing free at-home access to Creative Cloud apps to those students who usually only have access on-campus. We will make available Adobe Creative Suite within the Academic Continency Plan as Adobe continue to allow access. For further details about Adobe’s announcement go to

Digital Platforms
Online platforms will include zoom and vimeo with more platforms announced soon. You can access these platforms with a PC, Mac, laptop or a smart phone.

Telco CV19 Assistance Package
We are conscious you will need to ensure data capability for these programs, so please check your telco and see what additional arrangements they have made for data at

Stay Connected with the SRC
Please join the SRC student facebook page so you can stay up to date and communicate with each other.

Pick Up Artworks and Materials
You can call into the campus today, Friday 27 March, and next Tuesday 21 March from 11am to 5pm to pick up materials and artworks.

Autumn Academic Break
The Academic Autumn break has been moved forward to now; starting from 23 March and continuing to 9 April.

The Academic Contingency Plan (ACP)
As stated on 25 March, we will present the academic contingency plan on 7 April. We are planning to be teaching again onsite at the start of Semester 2. The academic calendar is 27 weeks in a year and we have already delivered three weeks. This means we are looking to deliver studio programs at the start of Semester 2, during the latter part of the year; utilising weekday, night time and weekend studio access. We have contingencies in place for further delays to include teaching in January and February if required.

The ACP is being finalised, there are many more parts to it, but at present we anticipate the following:

  • Online Learning Orientation Week 7 – 9 April
  • Student/ lecturer online engagement starting 7 April
  • Online AHT classes, drawing studies and studio seminars commencing 14 April
  • Professional Studies course delivered online, starting late April
  • New census date for all subjects confirmed in conjunction with the ACP announcement
  • Resume postgraduate supervision online from 14 April
  • Onsite studio based programs starting Semester 2

Further details will be forthcoming as we finalise the ACP over the next two weeks.

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#9: 31 March 2020

National Art School
#9 Covid-19 Update
31 March 2020
A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Steven Alderton
Dear Students,

Re: Academic Contingency Plan (ACP) Key Dates, Online Learning, Student Web Portal

It has been a dynamic few weeks here at NAS with staff working around the clock to finalise our Academic Contingency Plan. Our new online learning model will ensure the National Art School can continue delivering rich and vibrant art education – to sit alongside studio based learning and studio access set for Semester 2.

From 7 April we will start to roll out our ‘online orientation week’ programs, with presentations and information sessions to prepare all students for online participation by 14 April. I wanted to re-state these important dates and actions below. More details about the ACP will be sent this Friday 3 April.

NAS Connect
Is a social media program to keep us all connected and inspired. To kick of the program, we invited students to let us into their remote art making worlds and tell us how they were still making art through CV19. We have received some wonderful posts.Check out #nasstudiosessions and send us an image of your art life at home. Thanks here to Jacklyn. Academic Break
The Academic Autumn break has been moved forward to now; starting from 23 March and continuing to 9 April.Student Web Info Portal
Soon you will see a dedicated online information student portal on the NAS website. This will provide the information that you will need for all online teaching and tutorials including class timetables and scheduling.ACP ‘Online Orientation Week’
From Tuesday 7 to Thursday 9 April we will provide detailed instructions for students on how to participate in online classes using ZOOM.Key ACP Dates

  • Online Learning Orientation Week 7 – 9 April
  • Student/ lecturer online engagement starting 7 April
  • Online AHT classes, drawing studies and studio seminars commencing 14 April
  • Professional Studies course delivered online, starting late April
  • New census date for all subjects confirmed in conjunction with the ACP announcement
  • Resume postgraduate supervision online from 14 April
  • Onsite studio based programs starting Semester 2

Student FAQs
Check out up to date FAQ’s at:

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#10: 3 April 2020

National Art School
#10 Covid-19 Update
3 April 2020
A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Steven Alderton
Dear Students, 

Re: Staying Connected

While we continue to prepare for our return to course study next week through online platforms, our focus this week has been on staying connected. You have all been inspiring us with your tenacity and creativity and it has been wonderful for us to see how our students are creating art remotely through NAS Connect on Instagram – #nasstudiosessions.

Not only by showing us your great work but how you have innovated your personal spaces into working studios, from the dining room table, wardrobe and the garage to the paddock. We encourage you to keep connecting and engaging with each other as we find new ways of working and socialising through physical isolation.

We all loved Jillian’s great post this week – thanks for sharing Jillian.

Stay Connected
Facebook: @NationalArtSchool
Instagram: @nas_au
Twitter: @NAS_AUWe are also reaching out to our NAS alumni and teachers such as Luke Sciberras and Les Rice who are sharing their experience and thoughts and sending support to all the current NAS students. We will be releasing some great videos next week from NAS alumni with tips and insights to help your practice. “These terrifying times, like others, test our mettle – our resolve to make work that takes us into and out of our own selves. It is as vital to work through times of grief, fear, environmental catastrophes and medical emergencies as it is to work and explore as ever.” Luke SciberrasDrawing at the National Art School; Facebook Page
And join up to the Drawing at the National Art School Facebook Page to stay connected to drawing with fellow students and alumni. There are 1,300 members on this page – 300 joined in the past two days!Academic Contingency Plan
The Academic Contingency Plan will be announced next Tuesday 7 April as part of the Online Orientation Week 7-10 April.Student Advisors Hot Line
From 7 April, students will have access to a team of trained Student Advisors who will answer questions in relation to online courses and online study. The Student Advisors will be available via a telephone hot line from 9am to 5pm over the NAS Online Orientation Week. We will circulate the Hot Line next week.Print Lab
We understand that many of our students rely on the Digi Lab or visiting the Print Lab to access Photoshop and may have trouble accessing it during this time. Amanda from the Print Lab will be working from home, helping students maintain their creative digital print workflow. Amanda can help students with the following tasks:

  • Assistance preparing your files ready to print
  • Sizing
  • Basic editing

Or any other simple requests please feel free to email [email protected] and send your files via dropbox: include your full name in all file names.

Yours sincerely
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#11: 7 April 2020

National Art School
#11 Covid-19 Update
7 April 2020
A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Steven Alderton
Dear Students,

Re: Start of the Academic Contingency Plan

Orientation Week for Online Study
It is an exciting week at NAS as we prepare for the return to study through our online teaching model. Online orientation sessions are being presented across all degree courses. I encourage all students to utilise their online information sessions and prepare for return to study on 14 April. If you have missed your orientation session or would like to review the information you can access the Powerpoints on the NAS website:

Key Dates

  • Online Learning Orientation Week 7 – 9 April
  • Student/ lecturer online engagement starting 7 April
  • Online AHT classes, drawing studies and studio seminars commencing 14 April
  • Professional Studies course delivered online, starting late April
  • New census date for all subjects confirmed in conjunction with the ACP announcement
  • Resume postgraduate supervision online from 14 April
  • Onsite studio based programs starting Semester 2

Student Advisor Hotline
Student Advisors have been appointed and are on call for students to access further information regarding the online learning program. The Hot Line is open from Tuesday 7 April 9am – 5pm. Student Hot Line 02 9339 8621.

Online Student Learning Portal
To assist the online learning program, we have established an Online Student Learning Portal on the NAS website. This will be your one-stop-shop to accessing the information you will need to participate in your course, find links to your online classes and tutorials, download reading material, class timetables and contact your tutors. The portal has been constructed and we are currently finalising the download of course content to go live by 14 April.

We have worked hard to ensure this portal is user friendly and intuitive – we would appreciate feedback from students about their experience using the portal. Please provide your feedback to [email protected]

Student FAQs
Keep up to date with COVID-19 information with the current Student  FAQ’s at:

NAS Connect
NAS Connect was launched publicly today with an online newsletter and continues to develop with engaging content – look out for the newsletters in your emails.

#NASStudiosessions posts continue to grow and inspire us with insight into remote art making and home studio creativity.
#NASArtistInsider features interviews with Biennale artists and NAS lecturers including Lucienne Rickard and Les Rice.
#NASRetake profiles NAS alumni and observing the development of their art from student days, kicking off with Sophie Cape.
#NASArrow – check out what our curatorial team have been reading, watching and listening to recently with list of inspiring online art references from near and far.

We look forward to seeing students engaging with the new NAS online learning platforms next week.

Yours sincerely,
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#12: 9 April 2020

Dear Students,

Re: Orientation Week and Student Portal

This week we presented our online orientation sessions across all degree courses in preparation for our return to study on 14 April. Thank you for the positive feedback about these sessions, it has meant a lot to staff behind the scenes working hard to deliver our online content. We now look forward to online courses and engagement from 14 April and connecting you back with your lecturers and course work.
A Message from the NAS Chair

The NAS Chair, Carolyn Fletcher on behalf of the Board, sends a message of encouragement to students – read it here:
Classes Next Week and Student Portal Access

Over the weekend you will receive an email from Student Services with links to tutorials for next week’s courses. This will be your one-stop-shop to accessing the information you will need to participate in your course, find links to your online classes and tutorials, download reading material, class timetables and contact your tutors.

And then next week Student Services will send you access to the Student Portal. From the Student Portal you will have access to courses and course materials for the remainder of Semester One.
Student Online Support

To ensure students are supported through the transition to online learning, the Student Hotline will continue to be available next week Tuesday 14 to Friday 17 April 9am – 5pm. Student Hot Line 02 9339 8621.

 If you have missed your orientation session or would like to review the information you can access the Powerpoints on the NAS website:
NAS Library Update

Students can email information requests to Library staff who will spend up to 30 minutes identifying appropriate resources. Links to journal articles, E-books and websites can be emailed back to students.

NAS Library blog, Library Stairwell Gallery blog, Facebook and Instagram are still being maintained and relevant information is added daily.

Jstor has kindly provided free access to its e-book collection until 30 June. These can be accessed through our regular Jstor account.

Login: nationalart

Password: ArtJournals2010 (note: this is case sensitive and there is a Capital J in the middle of it!)


Proquest E-book Central Arts Collection

The Library have subscribed to the Arts Collection of Proquest E-book Central. Students will need to set up an individual patron account via the Library to access this. The Library will be sending out more details to students next week.


Online Journal Article Access

Access remains to journal articles through Jstor and Proquest Art Design and Architecture databases.


Keep up to date with COVID-19 information with the current Student  FAQ’s at:


NAS Connect

This week on NAS connect has seen some wonderful Alumni engagement with encouraging messages.

Visit the Rayner Hoff Project Space from your device and check out the incredible work that was produced during this year’s Margaret Olley Drawing Week by our second and third year students.

#NASStudiosessions posts continue to grow and inspire us with insight into remote art making and home studio creativity.
#NASArtistInsider features interviews with Biennale artists and NAS lecturers including Lucienne Rickard and Les Rice.
#NASRetake profiles NAS alumni and observing the development of their art from student days, kicking off with Sophie Cape.
#NASArrow – check out what our curatorial team have been reading, watching and listening to recently with list of inspiring online art references from near and far.

We look forward to seeing students engaging with the new NAS online learning platforms next week.

Yours sincerely
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#13: 14 April 2020

Welcome to NAS Online

This week we welcome students to NAS Online. An exciting moment for all of us to reconnect with each other and for students to resume study. As we take time to adjust to online learning and working remotely, I encourage you to take advantage of the support systems and information networks that have been set up to assist your study.

If you have missed your orientation session or would like to review the online learing information you can access the Powerpoints on the NAS website:

Student Online Support
NAS Student Advisors are available this week Tue 14 – Fri 17 April, 9am–5pm. Please feel free to call the hotline with any questions you may have about NAS during Covid-19 or your study. Student hotline: 02 9339 8621

Online Student Learning Portal
The Online Student Learning Portal is now live on the NAS website and is already being accessed by students. We hope you enjoy navigating this Portal to find links to your online classes and tutorials, download reading material, class timetables and contact your tutors. We encourage your feedback to [email protected] for tips and feedback on how to improve this Portal.

Keep Connected and Informed
Keep up to date with COVID-19 information with the current Student FAQ’s at

NAS Connect

We having been enjoying all the pictures of the work and spaces you have been tagging us in. It looks like it has been a very productive Easter break – especially for BFA 3 student Trenna with her holiday-inspired work.#NASArtistInsider
Tasmanian and Biennale of Sydney artist Lucienne Rickard spoke to NAS recently from self-isolation at her home in Franklin.
Check it out on our website at
This weeks focus has been on alumnus Robert Owen, follow along at
The Extinction Studies of Lucienne Rickard, continuing at NAS as part of the 22nd Biennale of Sydney – The MonthlyArtists who have transformed their homes into other worlds – Frieze onlineWATCH
Stimulating panel discussions on topics concerning the global contemporary art scene –Art Basel Conversations archiveVIEW
See the current exhibition of NAS alumnus Mitch Cairns from the comfort of your couch –The Commercial GalleryLISTEN
The different manifestations of love in art history – MoMA Magazine Podcast
Message from Dr Samantha Thompson, NAS Academic English Coordinator
Get to know Dr Samantha Thompson and find out ways that we can support your Art History and Theory learning online through the video below.
We look forward to seeing you staying connected and engaged with your online study.

Yours sincerely
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#14: 21 April 2020

Welcome to NAS Online

It has been wonderful to see the online engagement progressing and our classes resuming remotely.  Thank you for your feedback on the Student Learning Portal, we will continue to adjust and improve the site as we go. Your feedback is important to ensuring this site is the best we can make it.

This is week 6 and sees the start of first year studio rotation projects,  first year Drawing and AHT electives. This week also sees the re-launch of our new Art Forum Online lecture series details of which are below. Next week, week 7, will see the start of professional studies for third years. All course information and links can be accessed via the student portal which hosts all timetables,  recorded lectures, zoom links and course materials.

Student Email, Office 365 & Adobe Creative Suite Update
We are finalising the set-up of student emails and Office 365 for all our students and will be rolling this out as soon as it is ready. Once roll-out is completed we can then issue temporary access to the Adobe Creative Suite which will available for the duration of Adobe’s offer to support students through the pandemic.

Pick Up Artworks and Materials
Students can call into the campus this Wednesday 22 April and next Wednesday 29 April from 12.30pm to 4.30pm to pick up materials and artworks.  Access will be via the Burton St entrance and you will be required to report to security and sanitise your hands. A small amount of parking will be available for loading. Please do not attend site if you are feeling unwell or have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID- 19. The Library and Parkers Art Store will remain closed.

Keep Connected and Informed
Keep up to date with COVID-19 information with the current Student FAQ’s at

NAS Connect 

MFA 2 Student Amelia’s army of incredible sculptures are slowly taking over her dining table. 
We’re getting Niki de Saint Phalle vibes from BFA 3 Student Clementine’s #NASStudioSessions submission. This artist decided to use unconventional tools to create her work… all done safely of course!
We look forward to seeing you staying connected and engaged with your online study.

Yours sincerely
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#15: 28 April 2020

Dear Students,

Re: Phased return to campus, with safety and hygiene protocols

We have been incredibly impressed with how you have adapted to the unprecedented circumstances of the last months. This period has been challenging and your resilience and patience has been remarkable. Our pivot to the online portal has been a big change in how we deliver our teaching programs and we thank you for your enthusiasm and support of this new platform, and we will continue to use this system for the rest of 2020. However, we are focused on your return to the studios – back to campus.

Phased return of students to campus
Our academic contingency plan includes a resumption of face-to-face teaching for all degree programs from the commencement of semester 2 on Monday 20 July. Whilst we will continue to teach online for the remainder of semester 1 as planned, we aim to begin a phased re-introduction to campus for students as soon as possible. We will provide exact dates for student returns next week.

Postgrad and 3rd year students
The phased return of students will commence with our Postgraduate students followed by 3rd year BFA students. The Postgraduate and 3rd year studio configuration, in conjunction with the protocols listed below, will be able to accommodate required social distancing principles and hygiene standards to afford students access back onsite. Students will also be able to access the studio resources they require to continue with independent work.

1st and 2nd year students
We are also looking to return 1st and 2nd year BFA students to campus at an appropriate time that affords NAS to gradually return the student cohort safely back onsite. At this point in time we are preparing to bring 1st and 2nd year’s back on 20 July, however, we are also developing plans for onsite access beforehand.

Maintaining a clean site
It is our absolute intention to ensure the NAS site remains as clean, hygienic and safe as possible. Our priority is the health and wellbeing of all staff and students. We have developed a risk management plan, scenario plans and the academic contingency plan to ensure strict hygiene controls, new cleaning measures, safe distancing, and security protocols are in place to maintain the site as clean and safe as possible. Every staff member and student has a role to play to enable students back onsite – we need you to provide the leadership for social distancing, safe hygiene and respiratory etiquette. CV19 continues to be a serious health issue, there will not be a linear trajectory back to full site access, rather a zig zag approach where restrictions may return as required.We are planning to bring students and staff back with the following protocols:

  • Social distancing of 1.5m
  • 1 person per 4m2 inside rooms
  • All vehicles to enter the Burton Street gates
  • All pedestrians to enter the Forbes Street gates
  • Only staff and students can enter, no general public
  • Security will check I.D.’s on entry (make sure you have a valid student I.D.)
  • Security to administer a temperature test to everyone entering
  • Hand washing/ sanitising on entry
  • A Social Distancing/ Hygiene Marshall will patrol the campus during peak times
  • Pathways established onsite to guide people
  • Hand sanitiser stations set up across the site
  • Most doors are open so limited touching of surfaces
  • Windows open and rooms ventilated
  • The workshop has a plan for use of tools and shared items
  • The Library will have a new access and lending protocol

Arrival Onsite
With new safety and hygiene protocols in place, all students and staff will queue to enter the site so everyone can be temperature tested, checked for I.D. and to clean your hands with sanitiser. Please allow for 10 to 20 minutes in the queue and arrange to arrive well in advance.

No Public Access
The site will be closed to the public in May, June, July and August to ensure optimum safety, cleanliness and hygiene for staff and students. In June we will assess public access once again – but we could be closed to the public beyond August.

Using Public Transport
We understand that many staff and students will be accessing public transport to travel, we ask that you take extra care and use common sense. Transport NSW have advised that they have increased cleaning on trains, buses, ferries, light rail and the metro with a daily focus on hard surfaces in high-traffic areas, including hand rails and Opal card and ticketing systems. We suggest washing your hands or using hand sanitiser before and after using public transport, and on arrival to the NAS campus.

Print Lab
The Print Lab has re-opened for students and staff (please see attached student flier) and can be accessed via an online dropbox and postage/ courier/ drive by delivery system. We are currently sending all images up to 20″ x 17″ / 50.8cm x 43cm via Australia Post. Larger prints will be sent via courier or students can arrange a drive-by pick up outside the Burton Street gate (following social distancing regulations).

Yours sincerely
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#16: 11 May 2020

Dear Students,

Re: Return to campus and services updates

We are very pleased to see students returning to campus in a phased approach, starting with Masters and Doctorate students next Monday 18 May.

We take the health and wellbeing of all students and staff very seriously, and are able to bring students back after the Department of Health approved our Infection Management Plan and our Site Entry Protocols. I can assure everyone we have been working very closely with the NSW Government to create a site that is as prepared as possible – with temperature testing on entry to extra cleaning, enhanced social distancing protocols, staggered classes/ lunch, no public access and a social distancing marshal during peak times.

We are gradually bringing students back onsite in a phased manner, initially with Postgrad students, then Third years and then First and Second years. The Postgrad and Third year students occupy a more independent study program allowing them to work in their studios and continue their academic study program. We are committed to bringing First and Second year students back as soon as possible and will review their access at the start of June. It is important we continue to observe social distancing protocols and ensure a gradual return of all students to the site.


It is vitally important we keep our site as clean, hygienic and safe as possible. For the safety of staff and students, the National Art School has put protocols in place for entering the campus. Security Staff will be positioned at both the Forbes Street entry and Burton Street entry to ensure these protocols are adhere to. There are now two entrances, depending on if you are walking or driving/ riding to NAS:

  • All walk in staff and students are required to enter and leave through the Forbes Street entrance only
  • All cars and bicycles will enter and leave the site through the Burton Street entry
  • No pedestrian access will be allowed through the Burton Street gates at any time
  • There is no public access to the site, only staff and students of NAS

When you arrive on campus you will queue to undertake the safety and temperature check. This is a compulsory check to ensure the hygiene, safety, cleanliness and wellbeing of all students and staff is maintained. If you do not undertake a check you will not be able to venture onto the site. The check consists of:

  • An I.D. check
  • Sanitise your hands
  • A temperature check (the temperature tester is aimed at your forehead and you need to register below 37.5 degrees)
  • You will be asked two questions about your wellbeing and recent contacts
  • The full document with FAQ’s is available to download here

Please allow extra travel time to complete this essential requirement for entering campus. Please ensure you carry your student I.D. at all times and have it readily available (you could photograph your I.D. and use it as your phone home screen). Make sure you queue at more than 1.5m from the person in front and behind you, and do not allow a large group to gather at the entrances.

Should you need to leave the site and intend to re-enter, security will issue you with a pass-out (wristband). The pass-out process is designed to keep the re-entry process as quick as possible. The pass-out (wristband) is only valid on the day of issue. Do not pass your wristband to another person who has not been on site as this will compromise the protection of others. The process for re-entry is:

  • Go to the Forbes Street gate
  • Place a wristband from Security on your wrist before you exit
  • Queue to gain re-entry at Forbes Street
  • Show your wristband and present your NAS I.D. card for checking by Security
  • You will need to sanitise your hands on re-entry to the site
  • You will not be required to have your temperature re-checked nor answer the questions again that day unless you have removed the wristband from your wrist

The COVIDSafe app is part of the Government’s work to slow the spread of Covid-19. The new COVIDSafe app is completely voluntary. Downloading the app is something you can do to protect yourself, your family and friends and save the lives of other Australians. The more people who connect to the COVIDSafe app, the quicker the Government can find the virus and inform you if you are at risk. Having confidence the Government can find and contain outbreaks quickly will mean governments can ease restrictions while still keeping Australians safe. You can download the app onto your mobile device here:

The student portal continues to evolve as the Semester continues. Our next phase is to lock the content down, you will receive email notification with instructions soon about this.

We are pleased that Art Forum is up and running in our new digital context. If you miss the live lecture you can watch the videos here, the sessions with Juz Kitson and Chris Dolman are online now and going forward videos will be uploaded to the website within a week, see you on Zoom!

A reminder that the Print Lab has re-opened for students and can be accessed online with our dropbox and postage/ courier/ drive-by delivery system. We are currently sending all images up to 20″ x 17″ / 50.8cm x 43cm via Australia Post. Larger prints will be sent via courier or students can arrange a drive-by pick up outside the Burton Street gate (following social distancing regulations).

Keep up to date with COVID-19 information with the current Student FAQ’s at


Amber Johnstone, BFA 1

We look forward to seeing you onsite or online soon.

Yours sincerely
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#17: 19 May 2020

National Art School
#17 Covid-19 Update
19 May 2020
A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Steven Alderton


Dear Students,

It has been wonderful to see some Masters and Doctorate students back on campus this week. This period has been incredibly challenging and we are so pleased to have you back on campus, and look forward to the rest of the cohort joining in the coming months. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding of the new site entry protocols, we are committed to ensuring that the campus is as clean as possible, and your help in doing this is paramount.

We are working on the arrangements for semester two and look forward to confirming details over the coming weeks.

Our beautiful newly renovated café Two Emus is back in action. You can grab a wrap or a hot meal, and of course a hot coffee without leaving the campus. The Two emus staff look forward to welcoming you!

The COVIDSafe app is part of the Government’s work to slow the spread of Covid-19. The new COVIDSafe app is completely voluntary. Downloading the app is something you can do to protect yourself, your family and friends and save the lives of other Australians. The more people who connect to the COVIDSafe app, the quicker the Government can find the virus and inform you if you are at risk. Having confidence the Government can find and contain outbreaks quickly will mean governments can ease restrictions while still keeping Australians safe. You can download the app onto your mobile device here:

A reminder that Art Forum is on every Thursday from 12.30pm-1.30pm via zoom. If you miss the live lecture you can watch the videos here, this week our speaker is Jerico Tracy, curator, art consultant and the director of Jerico Contemporary Gallery.

Launched last week On Stillness is our new online exhibition in collaboration with regional galleries. As COVID-19 restrictions ease and the pace of regular life cautiously resumes, On Stillness reminds us to slow down and remain observant. For many people, the pandemic has brought on a period of rare quiet. Drawing on a range of genres and mediums, On Stillness celebrates the potential of art to pause time and illuminate the passing moment. Simply follow the hashtag #onstillnessexhibition to see the growing number of works and gallery collaborators. This week we are delighted to announce that NERAM (New England Regional Art Museum) has joined our exhibition. More info:

Keep up to date with COVID-19 information with the current Student FAQ’s at



BFA 1 Student Martin John Oldfield’s #NASStudioSessions submission, Still life – hammer, wood, strawberry jam jar with metal and nails.

We look forward to seeing you onsite or online soon.

Yours sincerely
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

9 June 2020 (NAS CONNECT)

National Art School
Covid-19 Update
9 June 2020
A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Steven Alderton

Dear Students

I hope that you enjoyed the long weekend and had the opportunity for some down time. As we approach the end of Semester One we will be informing you soon about the arrangements for Semester Two. I would like to take this chance to thank you for approaching the unprecedented situation that we have found ourselves in, with understanding and resilience.

As we did with the move to online learning we will be running online student briefings for final Semester Two arrangements on Thursday 18 June. Briefings will be at degree/year level with session times and zoom links to be confirmed via email.


COVID-19 is still a very serious issue, as you will be well aware of, and the current health guidelines encourage anyone who has even the mildest of symptoms, to be tested. What this means for the NAS community is that you will hear about your fellow students and NAS staff being tested. There is no reason to be alarmed about this, and you will be informed by Student Services if you are personally affected or need to take any action.

We are doing everything we can to ensure the NAS campus is as clean as possible with regular, thorough cleaning, and stringent social distancing in place.

We are pleased to offer a limited service for first and second year students via email request until you return to campus. Please forward your requests to [email protected]You can search the NAS Library catalogue for requests here.
In this email please include:
  • your name
  • student number
  • book title/s and call number
Collection of books will be from the Student Services office, please note the new entry protocols: show your ID, have your temperature taken, sanitise your hands and asked 2 questions about your current health (If you have any symptoms or have had any contact with anyone who has).
You will be able to collect your books from the Student Services office where you will need to show your student ID, please note there is no access to the campus and the Library beyond the student services office.

If you have books currently on loan please return them to the returns bin also located at student services.

The COVIDSafe app is part of the Government’s work to slow the spread of Covid-19. The new COVIDSafe app is completely voluntary. Downloading the app is something you can do to protect yourself, your family and friends and save the lives of other Australians. The more people who connect to the COVIDSafe app, the quicker the Government can find the virus and inform you if you are at risk. Having confidence the Government can find and contain outbreaks quickly will mean governments can ease restrictions while still keeping Australians safe. You can download the app onto your mobile device here:

Keep up to date with COVID-19 information with the current Student FAQ’s at

Steven Alderton
Director and CEO
National Art School

#18 8 July 2020

National Art School
#18 Covid-19 Update
8 July 2020
A Message To Students
from the Director and CEO

Steven Alderton

The long journey back to face to face teaching and studio access is almost upon us, less than two weeks away now. I have been so impressed with the resilience, fortitude and inventiveness you have all displayed over the last few months and am looking forward to seeing you back onsite. In preparation for the whole School’s return to campus on Monday 20 July there are some procedures I would like to draw your attention to; and for you to familiarise yourself with.

The way that we navigate and share the campus has changed as a result of social distancing measures. As you know, a few months ago we developed a thorough Infection Management Plan that was approved by NSW Health. NSW Health approved our plan as we addressed all of their concerns, allowing us to offer you an arts education in a well structured hygiene and cleanliness program that enables:

  • Appropriate social distancing
  • Limiting the number of people per room/ studio
  • Opening new studios onsite so there are more classes
  • Creating pathways for entering and exiting buildings
  • Minimising class sizes
  • Enhanced cleaning
  • Providing hand washing and hand sanitising stations
  • Site entry protocols
  • New library protocols

I thank you in advance for your understanding and adoption of these new site procedures – knowing that you are contributing to a safer and more hygienic School environment for the NAS community that has enabled us to bring students back on 20 July.

Entering the campus
For the safety and wellbeing of staff and students, we have put the following protocols in place for entering the campus:

  • All walk in staff and students are required to enter and leave through the Forbes Street entrance only
  • All cars and bicycles will enter and leave the site through the Burton Street entry
  • No pedestrian access will be allowed through the Burton Street gates at any time
  • There is no public access to the site, only staff and students of NAS

Daily entry to campus
When you arrive on campus you will queue to undertake the safety and temperature check. This is a compulsory check to ensure the wellbeing of all students and staff is maintained. If you do not undertake a check you will not be able to venture onto the site. The check consists of:

  • An I.D. check (a photo of your student I.D. stored on your phone is ok)
  • Sanitise your hands
  • A temperature check (to register below 37.5 degrees)
  • You will be asked two questions about your wellbeing and recent contacts
  • Maintain 1.5-metre distance when queuing to enter the campus.
  • You must wear your pass out wrist band to leave and re-enter site throughout the day of attendance. On each re-entry you will be required to sanitise your hands
  •  Failure to wear your pass-out will require you to repeat temperature check, sanitisation of hands, and screening questions to re-enter campus.

COVID Procedures
All students and staff are to undertake a COVID briefing session. This will be an online learning module that should only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Further details will be provided this week.

Studio Procedures
Your Studio Tech will inform you of any new studio-specific hygiene and social distancing protocols that are relevant for you. These procedures have been designed to keep everyone safe and we thank you for your cooperation in advance. Each studio is cleaned after each studio session.

Student Cards
You will need your student ID to gain entrance to the campus. If you have lost your card, student services can print you a new one for a $10 fee. I recommend you take a photo of your student ID and have it accessible on your phone, this is an acceptable form of ID.

Semester 2 Briefings
If you were unable to attend the BFA Semester Two Briefing Sessions, we strongly encourage you to view the recording to understand next semester’s arrangements. The recordings can be found via the Student Portal:

BFA 1 Briefing
BFA 2 Briefing
BFA 3 Briefing

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we travel though these new ways of experiencing and using the campus. We are so thrilled to have you all back working (safely) and doing what you have come to NAS for, to make and learn about art.

Best wishes
Steven Alderton
Director and CEO, National Art School

#Follow us on Instagram
We’re looking for an Exhibitions Project Officer!  The role has a focus on major Indigenous exhibition projects currently in development for the National Art School as well as touring programs. The role assists with the delivery and coordination of Gallery programs, talks, and other events in the gallery spaces.  You have a background in visual art, art history, curatorship and gallery experience. You have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, along with strong organisational and project management experience.  Note this is an Identified Role and is open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants only, in accordance with Section 14(D) of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act, 1977 NSW.  Application deadline extended to Sunday 9 February.  Apply at the link in bio.
Ronan Pirozzi, 'Serpentine', 2023; 'Trajectory', 2023; 'Desolate', 2023; installation view, undo the day, NAS Gallery, Sydney, 2024, oil on welded steel, image courtesy and © the artist, photograph: Zan Wimberley
The National Art School has today announced respected Australian academic, writer and curator Dr Kristen Sharp as the next Director and Chief Executive Officer.  Kristen joins the National Art School with extensive experience in the fields of contemporary art and tertiary education having spent six years as Associate Dean Discipline, Art in the School of Art at RMIT University, and previously 9 years as Academic Lead Art History and Theory at RMIT. She will commence her new role at the National Art School on 24th February 2025.  Read the full media release at the link in bio.
Don’t miss out! This is your last chance to apply for our BFA degree for 2025. Applications for our final round close Sunday 26 January.  Apply now at the link in bio.
Set your child on a creative path with Art Club Term 1 - Drawing.  They’ll spend Tuesday afternoons developing their skills in this drawing fundamentals program that covers still life, portraiture, and experimental drawing.  Learn more at the link in bio.
We’re Hiring! 
Exhibitions Project Officer - Application Deadline Sunday 2 February 
The Exhibitions Project Officer is a member of the NAS Galleries Curatorial Team and provides administrative and operational support to the National Art School’s Galleries exhibition programs. It has a focus on major Indigenous exhibition projects currently in development for the National Art School as well as touring programs. Please note this is part time, three day a week, fixed term contract until 19 December 2025. 
Digital Marketer - Application Deadline Sunday 2 February 
The Digital Marketer plays an important role in coordinating the marketing and communication activities that drive degree recruitment, short course attendance, public program participation, exhibition promotion, brand positioning and alumni engagement. You will have a thorough understanding of marketing principles with a focus on digital media channels and e-communications. 
Visit the link in bio to learn more.