2019 NAS Awards Recipients

2019 NAS Awards Recipients

On Thursday 5 December, the National Art School celebrated the achievements and success of our students through awarding of prizes and scholarships. We would like to congratulate the award recipients for their hard work, and thank our lecturers and technicians for their outstanding dedication and commitment to each and every student.

All of the prizes and scholarships awarded have been generously provided by our benefactors and sponsors, and we also thank you for your support.


Major Awards and Residencies

Anne Pata Memorial Drawing Award
Melinda Hunt

Look Print Scholarship
Corey Black

Bird Holcomb Foundation Scholarship
Thomas Carman

Clitheroe Foundation Scholarship
Brydie Greedy

Jenour Foundation Scholarship
Clare Wigney

Lift Off Award
Chrystal Rimmer

British School at Rome
Skye Wagner (Sessional Lecturer, Photomedia)

Onslow Storrier residency at La Cite International des Arts, Paris
Lisa Jones & Julia Davis, Sienna White, Sassy Park, Peter Burgess

National Art School Aboriginal Art Centre Internship
Clementine Callanan

National Art School Aboriginal Art Centre Internship
Isabella Irwin-Bacon

Mark Henry Cain Memorial Travel Scholarship
Ned “Mungo” Howard

East Sydney Doctors Scholarship
Aude Parichot

Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre Nancy Fairfax (AIR) Award
Jacqueline Hennessy



Kayell Australia Photography Award
Cailyn Forrest

Joel Corrigan Memorial Photography Award
James Edwards


Art History & Theory

Brandon Trakman Prize
Thomas Carman



Mansfield Ceramics Art and Perception Magazine Award
Annette Bukovinsky

Mansfield Ceramics Art and Perception Magazine Award
Hannah Barclay

Mansfield Ceramics Art and Perception Publishing Award
Ebony Russell

Mansfield Ceramics and Clay Gulgong International Festival Exhibition Award
Mac Mansfield , Isabella Parker, Ivan Aguinaldo

Mansfield Ceramics and Clay Gulgong International Festival Ticket Award
Alichia van Rhijn

Mansfield Ceramics and Clay Gulgong International Festival Ticket Award
Ebony Russell

Australian Ceramics Association Prize
Laura Hayley

Australian Ceramics Association Prize
David Helmers

Blackwattle Pottery Supplies Award
Mackenzie Rowe

Parkers Sydney Fine Art Ceramic Award
Kyati Suharto-Martin

Kil.n.It Award
Alichia van Rhijn

Kil.n.It Award
Anne Kawsner

N.E. Pethebridge Award
Ebony Russell

Sabbia Gallery Exhibition Prize
Alichia van Rhijn

Mac Mansfield

Isabella Parker

N.E. Pethebridge Award
Mac Mansfield



Jocelyn Maughan Sketch Book Prize
Janataline Sujanto

Jocelyn Maughan Sketch Book Prize
Dylan Newling

Jocelyn Maughan Sketch Book Prize
Chris Chew

Parkers Sydney Fine Art Drawing Award
Yul Skarf

John Olsen Prize for Drawing (Highly Commended)
Parisa Pourkhatibi

John Olsen Prize for Drawing
Nina Walton



Parkers Sydney Fine Art Framing Award
Eliza Gosse

Parkers Sydney Fine Art Painting Award
Ned “Mungo” Howard

John McCaughey Prize (Perpetual)
Louis Gerber

Derivan Award for Mixed Media
Madeline Feist

Derivan Award for Excellence
Arash Chehelnabi

Sydney Olympic Park Residency Award – Painting
Monica Trapaga

Richard Lucchese Abstract Painting Prize
Luca Blasonato

aMbush Gallery
Zoe Toakley

Troy Quinliven Exhibition Award
Ellie Kingston-Hogg



Ellen O’Shaughnessy Printmaking Award
Annabelle McEwen

Artscene Printmaking Prize
Rachel Boggs

Artscene Printmaking Prize
Ethan Robertson

Parkers Sydney Fine Art Printmaking Award
Madeline Castelli-Colozzi

Sydney Olympic Park Residency Award – Printmaking
Chante Botha

Megalo Studio and Gallery Residency Award – Printmaking
Lucinda (Lucy) Bird



Dr John Vallance Prize for Sculpture
Rmsina Daniel

Parkers Sydney Fine Art Sculpture Award
Zelimir Harasty

Sculpture by the Sea Prize
Laura Condren and Jenny Herbert-Smith

Sydney Olympic Park Residency Award – Sculpture
Thomas Sandberg


Open Awards

Harvey Galleries Award

Elise Cooke
Emily Corte Donovan
Henry Evans
Frida Knoke
Peter Larmour
Mez Truskett
Mason Vanderveer
Clare Wigney

Danja Derkenne
Isabella Edwards
Eliza Gosse
Jacqueline Hennessy
Maddison Johnston
Margaret Jewell
Tania McMurtry

NAVA Ignition Prize for Professional Practice
Corey Black

Studio W doubleyou Exhibition Prize
Slade de Plater

Room 205 Prize
Chris Connell

7 Clovelly Road Prize
Elise Cooke

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Facture – the manner in which something is made
Join us Saturday 12 April for the 2025 Drawing Symposium at the National Art School, presented by the National Centre for Drawing. Featuring a diverse range of national and international speakers, as well as associated performances and exhibitions, this event is held in conjunction with the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize. The symposium will explore the theme of Facture, a concept that emphasises an artwork’s tangible reality as an intentionally crafted object, linking the act of creation directly to its physical presence. Considering an artwork in terms of its facture reveals it as a record of the artist’s decisions, methods, and materials. Discussions will examine how this concept enriches our understanding of drawing and aligns with contemporary and interdisciplinary approaches to art-making. 
Learn more and buy tickets at the link in bio.
Opening night and winner announcement: 24th Dobell Drawing Prize  Join us on Thursday 10 April for the opening night of the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize, Australia’s leading prize for drawing, and an unparalleled celebration of technique, innovation and expanded practice. The winner will be announced at 6:30pm.  Presented at the National Art School in partnership with the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, this biennial exhibition continues to highlight the enduring relevance and changing role of drawing within contemporary art practice. The winning work enters the National Art School’s significant collection, built over the past 120 years.  This 24th edition is curated by Lucy Latella and showcases the work of 56 finalists, selected from 965 nationwide entries by judging panel Vernon Ah Kee, Dr Yolunda Hickman and Paula Latos-Valier AM.  RSVP at the link in bio.