2019 International Residencies Announced
We are thrilled to announce the 2019 international residency recipients!
British School at Rome Residency:
Kirtika Kain (MFA Printmaking 2018 student)
Onslow Storrier Studio at La Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris:
Angus Fisher (MFA Printmaking 2017, Sessional Printmaking Lecturer)
Rachel Buch (BFA Ceramics 2014)
Caitlin Hespe (MFA Drawing 2018)
Annelies Jahn (MFA Painting 2016 and Sessional Drawing Lecturer)
Congratulations to our 2019 residents, we can’t wait to see what you do with your time in these European centres of artistic excellence!
Image: Danielle Tooley (2017 Paris Resident), Paris Street Scene, 2017.