
Support the next generation of artists

Bequests are vital to ensure the continuing success of the National Art School. By including the National School in your Will, you will help the next generation of Australian artists to receive an outstanding visual arts education.

Your legacy will help us to develop and maintain first-class studios and learning facilities for NAS students; produce high-quality exhibitions and public programs; deliver outreach programs to engage regional communities; and build and safeguard the NAS Collection and Archive.

Making a Bequest to the National Art School

We strongly recommend that you seek professional advice from a solicitor or financial adviser in arranging your bequest.

Bequests made to the general purposes of the National Art School will be used to advance the School’s core priorities. Should you wish to bequeath a work of art to the National Art School or nominate a specific purpose for your Bequest, we encourage you to contact us to discuss your intentions.

To notify us of your bequest, we invite you to send us a copy of the relevant extract from your Will, or a letter confirming your bequest from a solicitor.

To thank you for your pledge, we look forward to engaging you with the activities of the National Art School, our students and alumni via a program of events and tailored opportunities to suit your personal interests.


For more information, please contact:

Hannah Dickson
Head of Fundraising and Development
T: +61 2 9339 8636 E: [email protected]

Donation Form

All donations over $2 are fully tax deductible

All donations over $1000 will be acknowledged as a NAS Patron

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Facture – the manner in which something is made
Join us Saturday 12 April for the 2025 Drawing Symposium at the National Art School, presented by the National Centre for Drawing. Featuring a diverse range of national and international speakers, as well as associated performances and exhibitions, this event is held in conjunction with the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize. The symposium will explore the theme of Facture, a concept that emphasises an artwork’s tangible reality as an intentionally crafted object, linking the act of creation directly to its physical presence. Considering an artwork in terms of its facture reveals it as a record of the artist’s decisions, methods, and materials. Discussions will examine how this concept enriches our understanding of drawing and aligns with contemporary and interdisciplinary approaches to art-making. 
Learn more and buy tickets at the link in bio.
Opening night and winner announcement: 24th Dobell Drawing Prize  Join us on Thursday 10 April for the opening night of the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize, Australia’s leading prize for drawing, and an unparalleled celebration of technique, innovation and expanded practice. The winner will be announced at 6:30pm.  Presented at the National Art School in partnership with the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, this biennial exhibition continues to highlight the enduring relevance and changing role of drawing within contemporary art practice. The winning work enters the National Art School’s significant collection, built over the past 120 years.  This 24th edition is curated by Lucy Latella and showcases the work of 56 finalists, selected from 965 nationwide entries by judging panel Vernon Ah Kee, Dr Yolunda Hickman and Paula Latos-Valier AM.  RSVP at the link in bio.
Our academic year kicked off with Drawing Week, a program of drawing intensive workshops for our 2nd and 3rd year BFA students.  At the @sydneyoperahouse workshop, led by Drawing Lecturer Tango Conway, students were invited to experiment and expand their practice in an environment rarely open to the public.  Learn more about the BFA program at the link in bio.