Emergency services | 000
Call this number for access to police, ambulance or fire. If you, or anyone close to you has thoughts of harming themselves or someone else, this is the best number to call.
NAS Student Services
Click here to download our Student Support Policy
+ 61 2 9339 8744 or student.services@nas.edu.au
Located at the Forbes Street entrance, adjacent to the NAS ArtBar & Kitchen
The office assists students with questions about admission, progression, course withdrawals, fees, student cards, scholarships, prizes, exchange programs, exhibitions, assessment, results and graduation. Contact your teacher and/or Head of Department in the first instance you are experiencing any difficulty in meeting the requirements of your course.
NAS Security | 0434 565 275
NAS Counsellor | 9339 8722
Best to contact via email leaving your mobile details and the Counsellor will get back to you.
NAS Student Well-being Officer | 02 9339 8614
Emily Boerma
Emily can help students with mental health issues and stress management, study strategies and time management skills. Contact via email leaving your mobile details and Emily will get back to you.
NAS Academic Literacy Officer | 9339 8624
Dr Molly Duggins can provide support and direction with research, drafting, self-editing and any academic writing issues you may have.
Centrelink | 132 490
If you are a full time student, you may be eligible for financial support and a low income health care card. Go online to learn more and apply for Austudy, youth allowance (to age 25) and Abstudy (support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students) online and by phone. If you have any difficulty with accessing this information, ask student services to help.
Local Council Youth and Community Services
City of Sydney Community Services
The community services directory is a comprehensive listing of local emergency services, government agencies, public facilities, not-for-profit organisations and many other groups. Parents, caregivers, residents, visitors and anyone with an interest in the local area can access the site for free, which also features contact details and further information about organisations and services across Sydney.
Users can search by suburb or organisation category
A wide variety of groups are included in the directory, including those working in accommodation and aged care, conservation and the environment, sport and recreation as well as volunteering and youth services.
The directory is part of LINCS (Local Information Network for Community Services), which is an online partnership of more than 30 local councils, including the City of Sydney, NSWGovernment departments and community organisations.
Youth Services, accommodation and housing
- Accessible Housing
- Emergency Accommodation
- Homelessness
- Hostels and Group Homes
- Low Cost Accommodation
- Nursing Homes
- Renting and Tenancy
- Supported Accommodation
- Youth Accommodation
Youth Services, health and wellbeing, overview
- Aboriginal Health
- Addiction Services
- Allied Health and Therapeutic Support
- Alternative Health
- Assessment and Referral Services
- Community Health Centres
- Counselling
- Ethnic Welfare Services
- Family Planning
- Health information services
- Hospitals
- Immunisation
- Mental Health Services
- Pregnancy and post-natal services
- Safety
- Sex Education
- Sexual Health Services
- Stress Management
- Women’s Health Centres
- Youth Health Centres
Youth services, health and wellbeing, counselling
Charities and support organisations
Mission Australia https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/
St John’s Anglican Community Serviceshttps://www.stjohnsanglican.org/
Lou’s Place https://www.lousplace.com.au/
Rough Edges https://www.roughedges.org/
Headspace Free Online Meditation course https://www.headspace.com/covid-19
The Blackdog Institute https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/resources-support/wellbeing/
Health Direct Hotline 1800 022 222 and speak to a registered nurse
Online Alcoholics Anonymous meetings https://aa.org.au/meetings/online-aa-meetings/
Arts Industry Related Information and Support Services
At this difficult time, please know that support is near:
• Call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or text the helpline on 0477 13 11 14
• Beyond Blue has a comprehensive list of national help lines and websites
NAVA Industry Advisory Note: COVID-19 Response
This Industry Advisory Note is intended for NAVA Members and our colleagues in the contemporary arts sector across Australia. This document is not offered as health advice nor health emergency management advice. As circumstances change, this advice may change.
Business Connect | Free Mentoring and Advice for Creative Freelancers and Organisations
The state government has a funded program called Business Connect that provides 4 hours of free mentoring and advice to creative freelancers and arts organisations at no cost. It also provides free and subsidised training online for all aspects of creative business.
You can find creative industry specialists by heading to the website and clicking FIND AN ADVISOR then searching in the DIGITAL, CREATIVE etc section for a specialists advisor to help you. The advisors are ready to provide you with whatever professional business advice you need in this difficult time.
Art Guide Australia gallery closures and online databases
ArtsHub 6 Anti-Tips for Working from Home in COVID-19
ABC News How to take a mental health day
twenty10 Get Support
Black Dog Institute
A checklist to support your mental health during Coronavirus
Beyond Blue
Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak
THIS WAY UP is part of the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD). CRUfAD is a joint facility of St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of New South Wales established to reduce the impact of anxiety and depressive disorders on individuals.
R U OK? Resources
Tools and apps for health and wellbeing
Physical and Mental Health
St Vincent’s Hospital – Acute Care Team | 8382 1111
Cnr Victoria Road and Burton Street. You can call them or walk in. this is a service for people experiencing mental health or self harming issues.
Mental Health Line | 1800 011 511
24-hour referral information and assistance to people experiencing mental health issues or for friends/ relatives.
Lifeline | 131 114 24-hour support and referral
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Translation support available.
Beyond Blue | 1300 224 636 | beyondblue.org.au
Free support for anxiety, depression or suicide prevention. Provider of information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. Translation support available.
East Sydney Doctors | 9332 2531 102 Burton St, Darlinghurst.
Local GP and Counsellor Michaela Davies Mindspot Clinic | mindspot.org.au
An online treatment service for those who would rather not attend face-to-face counselling, working on issues of depression or anxiety.
LQBTQIA+ support
QLife Helpline | 1800 184 527 | 3pm–midnight daily
Twenty10 | 8594 9555 | 9am–5pm
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health support
9319 5823
amsredfern@amsredfern.org.au 36 Turner Street, Redfern
NSW Rape Crisis Centre
1800 424 017
Drug and Alcohol Services, Information and Support
9361 8000 (Sydney) 1800 422 599 (Regional and Rural NSW)
24/7 a week for support, information, counselling and referral to drug and alcohol services in NSW. ADIS staff use their knowledge and experience in the field to assist you find the appropriate help.
Domestic Violence Line
Call 1800 65 64 63 or visit https://dcj.nsw.gov.au/children-and-families/family-domestic-and-sexual-violence.html
Stimulant Treatment Line (STL)
9361 8088 (Sydney)
1800 101 188 (Regional and Rural NSW)
You can ring STL if you have any concerns or questions regarding stimulants or psycho stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, and ecstasy use. STL can offer you advice on managing your use, support, and referral to drug treatment services, along with counselling if you are concerned about your stimulants use or a family or friends use.
Family Drug Support (FDS)
1300 368 186
FDS provides support to families in crisis due to drug and alcohol issues. You can call FDS 24/7.
Counselling Online
1800 888 236 | counsellingonline.org.au
Counselling Online is an online and text-based service for help or information about alcohol or drug related issues can access. Speak to a professional counsellor 24/7, free of charge.
DanceWize NSW
Safety for patrons at music fesitvals.
Barefoot Yoga
0404 693 993, student discount available
Acupuncture Collective
Community Gardens
Self-care apps
FABULOUS App: Building Healthy Habits (2018 Best App in Self-Care)
7 Best Yoga Apps you can use anytime and anywhere
11 Best Meditation Apps to Help You Find Inner Peace
Cooking guides
Homebound Hacks
A Guide to Cooped-Up Cooking: recipes, prep ideas, and ingredient substitutions for creative meals while practising social distancing at home
@ilizas and @galuten – a comedian and chef wife and husband who cook together and share the recipes, video and photos on their social media pages.
Snack Proud
Discover Australia’s best healthy snacks and protein to fuel your busy lifestyle. Delivered to your home or the office.
Hello Fresh
Connecting with NAS and the wider arts and learning community
#NASCONNECT #NASStudioSessions
Upload an image of your new workspace and NAS will share this on social media
At a time where community connections are becoming more and more challenged, we wanted to create a place for people to come together, explore their creativity, find mindfulness and engage with a new global community. If you would like to contribute to their current project or if you have a finished project you would like to share, please e-mail 2gethergallery@gmail.com
TED Talks