

This section includes information for enrolled students about student resources and support services.

Our Student Services office can provide advice and assistance to students on a range of enquiries regarding admission, progression, course withdrawals, fees, student cards, scholarships, prizes, exchange programs, exhibitions, assessment, results and graduation.


Days During Semester

  • Monday–Friday: 9.00am–9.00pm
  • Saturday: 9.00am–4.30pm
  • Sunday/Public Holiday: Closed

*During vacations opening hours may vary.

No access is available on Sundays, Public Holidays or Saturdays after 12.00pm.
Please ensure that you have confirmed campus access hours with the timetable available at the Security Office Building 2.
Please note there is no after hours access to the Central Workshop or Digital Lab


Student Services office is located in Building 3
Monday–Thursday 9am–5pm and Fridays 9am–3pm
+61 2 9339 8651
[email protected]


NAS Counsellor

Miranda Fagan

+61 2 9339 8722
[email protected]

Miranda has a background in history and studies of religion. After completing her Bachelor of Arts she studied counselling to further her passion for helping others navigate mental health, substance use, and social concerns.

She has experience working with range of issues including: anxiety and depression, substance misuse and dependency, managing relationships, self-esteem and confidence issues, healing adverse developmental experiences and trauma, and LGBTQIA, cultural, and disability issues.

She utilises a trauma-informed, culturally inclusive approach.

The role of the Counsellor is to contribute to the development of the School’s students and to support their successful study.

The counsellor can provide assistance with the following areas: study skills including exam anxiety and time management, stress management – balancing study, work and other commitments, family and relationship concerns, health matters – lifestyle and vocational goals.

The counsellor can also provide referrals and information about services if needed.

We have collated an extensive list of support services and websites here. 

If a referral is necessary the Counsellor has information about relevant community resources and government agencies.

The service is free and confidential.


Academic English Coordinator

Academic English Coordinator

Dr. Molly Duggins 

Molly, who is also a lecturer in Art History and Theory, offers a range of support services for students seeking to improve their writing, including individual consultations, workshops, and seminars. 

For more information, please contact Molly at [email protected] 

One-on-one writing consultations are available on Wednesday and can be booked through the following link:[email protected]/bookings/

Please note this is not an editing service.


stART Strong Student Support Workshops Semester 1 2025:

Please find the schedule here


Writing Guides

Essay Structure

Essay Presentation


NAS Referencing Guide

NAS Style Guide

Formal Analysis

Integrating Research 2024

The Essay Process

Using AI in Research and Writing

BFA Interpreting Feedback

BFA Exam Prep

BFA Exam Prep Video

BFA Final Exam Prep

Critical Reading + Read&Write


Additional Resources

Navigating NAS

Student Handbook

Please contact Student Services if you have any questions relating to the Student Handbook.

Student Services office is located in Building 2 near the Forbes Street entrance

Monday–Thursday 9am–5pm and Fridays 9am–3pm
+61 2 9339 8651
[email protected]

After Hours Studio Access

Students are permitted limited access to individual studios and studio workshop areas ‘after hours’ including evenings, weekends and non-teaching periods throughout the academic year. Particular conditions apply to this access.

Students accessing buildings and studio areas during unsupervised hours are required to:

  • Adhere with all conditions of use and access related to the work area and access period
  • Sign in and sign out of campus when working on weekends or in non-teaching periods
  • Comply with directions issued by security and services staff
  • Carry their NAS student ID card with them at all times and present to security and services staff upon request.

Failure to comply with conditions of After Hours Studio Access may result in the withdrawal of after access privileges.


The campus is normally open throughout the academic year during the following hours:

Mon-Fri     9am – 9pm

Saturday   9am – 4:30pm

Sunday/Public Holiday      Closed

Note: Campus opening hours may vary during non-teaching periods.


  • After Hours access may be limited due to use of studios and studio workshops for short courses or maintenance works which are often scheduled for non-teaching periods.
  • The Summer break does not fall within the academic year – prior approval is required for access during this period
  • For safety and security reasons any unattended studio buildings or work areas may be locked by security and services staff during campus opening hours
  • Students are not permitted to use of materials or tools that have been identified as restricted for use only under staff supervision


These areas include both individuality allocated and shared studios and workstations for example MFA or third year studio spaces, second shared studio workstations etc.

Students are permitted access to allocated individual studio spaces or studio work after hours under the following conditions:


Students may access studios and workstations during campus opening hours on any weekday of the school’s normal teaching weeks.


Students may access studios and workstations between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Saturdays. Students are required to sign in with NAS security upon arrival and to sign out upon leaving the campus.

Non-teaching periods

Students may access studios and workstations during campus opening hours throughout non-teaching periods of the academic year. Students are required to sign in with NAS security upon arrival and to sign out upon leaving the campus.


These areas include departmental studio workshop facilities such as print workshops, darkrooms, lighting studio, wheel room, kiln sheds etc. that have been approved for access by the department.

Students are permitted access to approved studio workshop areas during unsupervised campus opening hours as per above, but with the addition of the following conditions:

  • Students are only permitted access to studio workshop areas within their area of study and/or year level.
  • Students are not permitted to work alone in studio workshop areas – students must be accompanied by a staff member or eligible student, not simply a visitor.
  • Students are not permitted to use of materials or tools that have been identified as being restricted for use only under supervision.


Students are permitted access to drawing studios and Project Spaces during unsupervised campus opening hours subject to an approved booking and the following conditions:

  • Students are not permitted to work alone in drawing Studios and Project spaces – students must be accompanied by a staff member or eligible student, not simply a visitor.
  • Students are not permitted to use of materials or tools that have been identified as being for use only under supervision.


The central Workshop is accessible throughout the year including non-teaching periods of the academic year during its normal opening hours:

Mon-Tues    9:30am – 4:30pm

Wed-Thur    9:30am – 6:00pm

Friday          9:30am – 4:00pm

  • The Central Workshop is not open for general access on Weekends.
  • Students are not permitted to work unsupervised in the Central Workshop at any time


Students are permitted unsupervised access to the Digital Lab during its normal opening hours:

Mon- Thur   9:30am – 8:30pm

Friday          9:30am – 4:00pm

Saturday      9:30am – 4:00pm

  • As per after-hours access to Studio Workshop areas, students are not permitted to work alone in the Digital Lab – students must be accompanied by a staff member or eligible student, not simply a visitor.
  • Access to the Digital Lab may be restricted due to class bookings.


Work AreaEveningsSaturdaysNon-Teaching Periods
Studio Spaces and workstationsNormal AccessSign in & sign outSign in & sign out
Approved Studio Workshop areasNo working alone

Sign in & sign out

No working alone

Sign in & sign out

No working alone

Drawing Studios and Project spacesWith approved booking No working aloneWith approved booking No working aloneWith approved booking No working alone
Central WorkshopWed & Thurs till 6 PMNo AccessNormal conditions and hours of operation
Digital LabNormal Access

Sign in & sign out

No working alone

Sign in & sign out

No working alone



All students accessing campus facilities on weekends and in designated non-teaching periods are required to sign in upon arrival and to sign out upon departure.

Using the Sine Ipad located in the security foyer or via the mobile Sine pro app follow the procedures attached.


Emergencies can occur at any time for a variety of reasons. Be prepared to respond independently, particularly if working after hours.

  • If you’re feeling unsafe on campus or you’re concerned for the safety of others, call Campus Security Services on 9339 8728
  • Keep your contact details up to date with Student services
  • Avoid isolated areas, particularly after hours
  • When walking around the campus watch out for traffic and use designated road crossings. Never cross a road while using headphones or a mobile phone
  • If you have a medical condition or disability that could impact on your health or safety on campus, please disclose this confidentially to relevant staff.


In some situations you may be required to evacuate. All staff, students and visitors are required to respond to emergency alarms and follow instructions.

  1. Check for any sign of immediate danger
  2. Shut down equipment/processes that cannot be left unattended
  3. Locate your closest exit
  4. Follow exit signs to find your way out of the building (do not use lifts)
  5. Go to the assembly area


If a person is seriously ill or injured don’t hesitate to call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.

  1. Call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance
  2. Contact the closest first aider or Campus Security Services on 9339 8728
  3. If the person is unconscious, send for the closest Automatic External Defibrillator(AED) located in First aid room
  4. Call Campus Security services on 9339 8728
  5. Send people to flag and direct the ambulance on arrival


Feel threatened or afraid

  1. Go to a busy place
  2. Attract the attention of other people in the area
  3. Call Campus Security Services on 9339 8728

  Aggressive or potentially violent person

  1. Try to remain calm
  2. Alert someone nearby
  3. Be assertive, but polite
  4. Attempt to de-escalate the situation
  5. Activate a duress device or call Campus Security Services on 9339 8728, only if safe to do so

Library, Workshops and Facilities

Our students have access to a broad range of workshop and study resources throughout the campus.


The Library offers books, DVDs, and journals for loan and reference, as well as computers and printers for student use.


The Digital Lab is located in Building 11 (Room 11.1.19) and provides access to scanning and digital image processing on a Mac platform. Software applications include Adobe CS including Photoshop, Final Cut Pro Web access and Microsoft Office applications.


The Central Workshop is located in newly renovated Building 11. Facilities include a full suite of timber and steel manufacturing equipment. There is also a range of electric and pneumatic hand tools available for student use.

All enrolled students have access to these facilities through their designated discipline after an induction has been completed. Students are encouraged to broaden their knowledge of tools and the different processes through the induction process that each student must undertake prior to using any workshop equipment. Inductions are organised by individual departments to tailor/maximise the best use of the existing equipment relevant to the discipline. Inductions are carried out by the teaching or technical support staff from each department.


Monday – Thursday 9:30am–4:30pm
Friday 9:30am–4:00pm
Wednesday – Thursday 4:30–6pm evening access

(Vacation opening hours may vary so please check before the end of each semester)

After-hours Access to Buildings

Students requiring access to buildings and studio areas after-hours must sign the Access Book at the Security Office when entering and leaving the campus during after hours and Saturdays. Students who do not sign in on arrival and departure will be asked to leave the campus by Security. Students requesting to work in studios after hours must always work in pairs. No student is allowed solitary access to the National Art School buildings after hours. No tools or equipment that are designated as hazardous may be used after hours.

For building access on Saturdays students must register their names in the Access Book no later than Friday before 4.00pm to inform Security as to which buildings must be opened in the morning. Students who do not register will not be given clearance to access buildings.

All rules and procedures must be adhered to at all times whilst on Campus. All instructions and requests directed to students by security must be abided by. Student Services will deal with any breaches of discipline accordingly. An incident report will be completed by security staff and submitted to Student Services to assess the complaint.


Parking is not available for students on campus.

Security, Emergencies and First Aid

Campus Security is located in Building 2 ground floor and the gatehouse at the entrance of Burton St. Security staff are available for emergencies on 9339 8726.
Students requiring first aid must contact either a studio technician, security or facilities staff or report to the security office in Building 1 or on 9339 8726.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

The Student Representative Council (SRC), serve as the main representative body for National Art School degree students. As well as upholding the interests of the study body, the SRC enriches life of campus with a range of exciting events, including SRC socials, gallery crawls, the student ball and performance nights.

The SRC also fosters stronger ties with staff, students and peers at the University of New South Wales and Sydney University. In 2015, The SRC joined forced with UNSW Art & Design to host an ‘Intergalactic Australiana’ Ball at the Oxford Art Factory. Students revelled in the opportunity to kick up their heels and forge lasting friendships with fellow artists and potential future colleagues.

Click here to download our Terms of Reference

To enquire about joining the Student Representative Council, please email [email protected]

#Follow us on Instagram
Facture – the manner in which something is made
Join us Saturday 12 April for the 2025 Drawing Symposium at the National Art School, presented by the National Centre for Drawing. Featuring a diverse range of national and international speakers, as well as associated performances and exhibitions, this event is held in conjunction with the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize. The symposium will explore the theme of Facture, a concept that emphasises an artwork’s tangible reality as an intentionally crafted object, linking the act of creation directly to its physical presence. Considering an artwork in terms of its facture reveals it as a record of the artist’s decisions, methods, and materials. Discussions will examine how this concept enriches our understanding of drawing and aligns with contemporary and interdisciplinary approaches to art-making. 
Learn more and buy tickets at the link in bio.
Opening night and winner announcement: 24th Dobell Drawing Prize  Join us on Thursday 10 April for the opening night of the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize, Australia’s leading prize for drawing, and an unparalleled celebration of technique, innovation and expanded practice. The winner will be announced at 6:30pm.  Presented at the National Art School in partnership with the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, this biennial exhibition continues to highlight the enduring relevance and changing role of drawing within contemporary art practice. The winning work enters the National Art School’s significant collection, built over the past 120 years.  This 24th edition is curated by Lucy Latella and showcases the work of 56 finalists, selected from 965 nationwide entries by judging panel Vernon Ah Kee, Dr Yolunda Hickman and Paula Latos-Valier AM.  RSVP at the link in bio.
Our academic year kicked off with Drawing Week, a program of drawing intensive workshops for our 2nd and 3rd year BFA students.  At the @sydneyoperahouse workshop, led by Drawing Lecturer Tango Conway, students were invited to experiment and expand their practice in an environment rarely open to the public.  Learn more about the BFA program at the link in bio.