Open Day 2019: the Future is Art
The National Art School is Australia’s leading fine art school, with a successful studio-based teaching model that has delivered a rich tradition of artistic practice and generations of world-renowned alumni. We are a progressive and holistic art school and we look forward to sharing it with you on Open Day.
Explore our studios and working spaces, visit NAS Gallery, meet our faculty and students, get advice about your study options and the application process, and get involved in interactive art workshops – including watching the live bronze pour, and participating in screenprinting, life drawing and much more.

Bachelor of Fine Art info sessions
10.30–11.30am, 12–10pm and 2–3pm
Seminar Room, Building 11
Meet with National Art School lecturers to discuss undergraduate study options.

Screen printing demonstration
Screen studio, Building 16
See artist Wendy Murray in action during our interactive screen printing demos, and take a poster home with you.
Photography portraits
Lighting studio, Building 1
Photomedia students will use a tethered Hasselblad digital camera and studio lighting equipment to shoot visitors’ portraits then make a print to take home

Alumni talk – Kirtika Kain
NAS Gallery Courtyard
Hear from NAS alumna and Open Day ambassador Kirtika Kain speak about her experience at art school and beyond.

NAS Band
11.30am and 1pm
NAS Cafe courtyard
Listen to music from The Current, the very talented NAS staff and student band.

Short Courses Info Session
11.30am–12pm and 1.30–2pm
Seminar Room, Building 11
Hear all about our extensive public short course program and find the right one for you.

Gaol Tours
10:30–11.00am and 2.30–3pm
Meet at Forbes St Entrance
Join us for a tour of the original Darlinghurst Gaol, shedding light on the fascinating history of the NAS site.

Bronze pouring demonstrations
12pm (approx) and 1pm (approx)
See our sculpture department in action as they pour hot liquid bronze into a mold.

Master of Fine Art info session
Seminar Room, Building 11
Meet with National Art School lecturers to discuss postgraduate study options.

Alumni talk – Alesandro Ljubicic
NAS Gallery Courtyard
Hear from NAS alumnus and Open Day ambassador Alesandro Ljubicic speak about his experience at art school and beyond.

Panel discussion
NAS Gallery
Part of Paper Tigers, a panel including artists Blak Douglas, Marie McMahon and Chris O’Doherty (aka Reg Mombassa) and musician Kirin J Callinan tackle the theme ‘Art Speaks Truth to Power’.

Doctor of Fine Art info session
Seminar Room, Building 11
Meet with National Art School lecturers to discuss postgraduate study options.