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Library Collections



The NAS Library holds a comprehensive collection of literature on the fine arts, including books, journals, exhibition catalogues, student and staff exegesis, and rare books.

The collection supports the delivery of undergraduate, postgraduate, open course and public programs.


The NAS Library subscribes to a range of Australian and international art journals and magazines. These are housed on the first floor of the library and are shelved in alphabetical order. Any journal that is less than 5 years old can be borrowed, except for the most recent issue which remains on display and for reference use.


The NAS Library provides access to a range of online resources, databases, specialist websites and research guides. Databases contain journal articles, newspapers, reference material, eBooks and more. Databases and eBooks are available to current NAS BFA, MFA and DFA students and staff.


JSTOR is a full-text database of over 600 international journals and magazines including Art Bulletin, Art Journal, Burlington Magazine, Corinth, Journal of Design History, Leonardo, October, Oxford Art Journal and more.

ProQuest Art Design and Architecture is a collection of specialist contemporary art databases, with full-text, abstract and index references, with coverage from 1973 to now. It includes the specialist indexes ARTbibliographies Modern (covering modern and contemporary art), Design and Applied Arts Index (for all aspects of design and crafts) and the International Bibliography of Art (covering scholarship on Western art history). These include Art in America, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Art and Perception, Oxford Art Journal, and PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.

ProQuest eBook Central: The Arts covers topics from art, architecture, dance, design, music, performing arts, film/screen studies, and more. With access to content from renowned publishers and 130+ university presses.

Library Services

Research consultations

Research consultations are offered to students to assist in locating resources related to your specific research needs.

During the session you will be shown how to structure your searches and access relevant databases that will help you identify and locate the information you need. In the consultation you will learn about a wide range of online resources including library-subscribed databases (JSTOR and ProQuest), Google Scholar, Trove, State Library of NSW e-resources, as well as other reliable sites such as university, museum and galleries websites. Email [email protected] to set up an appointment, or book online HERE.

Please note:

­- Appointments are available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9am to 5pm
– Bookings are to be made 2 business days in advance.
– For your research consultation to be effective it is helpful that you have a solid understanding of your topic before the consultation.
– The consultation takes up to an hour.
– You can request this service as often as needed throughout your program as your research needs develop.
– This is not a proof reading or editing service.

Academic Literacy

The National Art School has an Academic Literacy officer on hand to assist students in developing writing skills, including grammar and syntax, essay planning and structure, and referencing. One-on-one consultations are available for students on Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment. Please book online HERE or email Dr Molly Duggins at [email protected]

Please note that this is not a proof reading or editing service.

Library Facilities

Computer Room

Our dedicated computer room is equipped with Mac and PCs options and furnished with Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft 365.

No bookings required.

Study spaces

NAS Library has a number of quiet spaces to study, including individual study desks, lounges and sun/reading room.

No reservations required.


Fee based print and copy facilities available on the ground floor and computer room of the library. Colour, black and white, A4 and A3 print options are available.

Large format and premium print services are available at NAS Print Lab.

Refer to the NAS Technology Ecosystem Manual for more information about NAs printing services.

Research help

The NAS Library staff are here to help you with your research throughout your studies. You can ask questions in person any time during business hours, or contact us at [email protected].

The Library staff offer research support workshops throughout the semester. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date on upcoming workshops.

Referencing help

The National Art Schools’ preferred citation method is the Chicago Manual of Style, which uses a footnote and bibliography system.  You can view the NAS Library Chicago Referencing Guide for a list of commonly cited source types.  For more complex citation queries you can consult the Chicago Manual of Style Online .



Enrolled students can borrow up to 15 items at one time. Two-week loan periods apply to most collection items.

Renewing items is possible in person or online through the Library Catalogue.


Staff can borrow up to 15 items at one time. Four-week loan periods apply to most collection items.

Renewing items is possible in person or online through the Library Catalogue.

Associate Members & Short Course students

Associate Members and Short Course students can borrow up to 5 items at one time. Two-week loan periods apply to most collection items.

Renewing items is possible in person, via email at [email protected] or over the phone: +61 2 9339 8620.


Avoiding fines

Keep track of all loans and due dates when borrowing items and return items on time.

  • Renew any loans before they are overdue in person or online through the Library Catalogue.
  • Take note of courtesy notices sent via email.
  • Overdue items will incur fees and prevent you from borrowing, renewing and requesting items.

Item fees

  • Standard loans: 50c per day overdue
  • Special reserve & 2 day loans: $5 per day overdue (fee accrues at 1pm on the due date).
  • Lost, fail to return or damaged items: $100 per item + $20 processing fee (NAS library reserves the right to charge for the actual cost of replacement on all lost, fail to return and damaged items).


All NAS students and staff are eligible for membership at the NAS Library.

Short course students have free borrowing access to the library for the duration of their course. Please visit the library with evidence of enrolment to arrange membership.

Members of the public can join NAS Library as Associate Members. Associate membership is $80 AUD for a 12 month period. Please visit the library to arrange membership. NAS Library accepts payment via card only.

Library Stairwell Gallery

The Library Stairwell Gallery is a dedicated space in the Library for student exhibitions. BFA 2, BFA 3 and MFA students are eligible to apply to have a show in the Gallery. Follow NAS Library on Facebook or Instagram for updates on when applications are open. You can view previous exhibitions on the Library Stairwell Gallery blog.


The NAS Library is a specialist fine arts library that supports the curriculum of the National Art School. The collection includes books, journals, magazines, online databases, videos and DVDs. The collection is located across both levels of the library and is arranged according to Dewey Classification.

The collection is intended primarily to support the delivery of the Bachelor of Fine Art and Post Graduate programs. It also supports HSC level, public short courses, the research needs of academic staff and the general public.

Opening Hours

Semester time:

– Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
– Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Holiday time:

– Monday – Friday: 10:00am – 4:00pm
– Closed weekends and public holidays


[email protected]
+61 2 9339 8620



[email protected]

+61 2 9339 8620

Opening hours:

Semester time:

Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 6:00pm

Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Holiday time:

Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Closed weekends and public holidays

#Follow us on Instagram
Facture – the manner in which something is made
Join us Saturday 12 April for the 2025 Drawing Symposium at the National Art School, presented by the National Centre for Drawing. Featuring a diverse range of national and international speakers, as well as associated performances and exhibitions, this event is held in conjunction with the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize. The symposium will explore the theme of Facture, a concept that emphasises an artwork’s tangible reality as an intentionally crafted object, linking the act of creation directly to its physical presence. Considering an artwork in terms of its facture reveals it as a record of the artist’s decisions, methods, and materials. Discussions will examine how this concept enriches our understanding of drawing and aligns with contemporary and interdisciplinary approaches to art-making. 
Learn more and buy tickets at the link in bio.
Opening night and winner announcement: 24th Dobell Drawing Prize  Join us on Thursday 10 April for the opening night of the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize, Australia’s leading prize for drawing, and an unparalleled celebration of technique, innovation and expanded practice. The winner will be announced at 6:30pm.  Presented at the National Art School in partnership with the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, this biennial exhibition continues to highlight the enduring relevance and changing role of drawing within contemporary art practice. The winning work enters the National Art School’s significant collection, built over the past 120 years.  This 24th edition is curated by Lucy Latella and showcases the work of 56 finalists, selected from 965 nationwide entries by judging panel Vernon Ah Kee, Dr Yolunda Hickman and Paula Latos-Valier AM.  RSVP at the link in bio.
Our academic year kicked off with Drawing Week, a program of drawing intensive workshops for our 2nd and 3rd year BFA students.  At the @sydneyoperahouse workshop, led by Drawing Lecturer Tango Conway, students were invited to experiment and expand their practice in an environment rarely open to the public.  Learn more about the BFA program at the link in bio.