Doctor of Fine Art

The three year full-time or six year part-time degree is a practice-based professional doctorate that will provide the completion of an academic pathway to students. It will be delivered on the National Art School’s historic campus, where full-time students are provided with dedicated studio facilities.

The DFA provides a platform for integrating professional expertise and scholarly enquiry within the visual arts, whereupon graduates will have acquired an in-depth understanding of the technical and theoretical skills expected of a professional practitioner in the visual arts. The attainment of extended cognitive, research, technical, and creative skills will not only enable graduates to lead the contribution of knowledge within their fields of professional practice, but the exportable currency of such skills will also enhance their marketability within the wider arts-related industry.

Program Structure

The DFA requires the successful completion and presentation of a significant body of art work that represents an original contribution to knowledge and professional expertise in the field of visual art studio practice and an accompanying text of 20,000-40,000 words that critically contextualises the studio work within the project’s field of research and knowledge. Regular symposia and seminars complement the individual’s practice-based studio research and offer an environment for critical reflection and scholarly engagement with the field of knowledge.

How to Apply

Applications for the DFA are made directly to National Art School.


Admission to the Doctor of Fine Art is based on academic merit, portfolio and interview. For standard admission, the applicant must have a Master’s degree qualification in Fine Art or international equivalent.

Download the Application Guidelines here

Download DFA Application Form here

Download more information about the DFA here

Download the schedule of fees here

The DFA has been accredited by the Australian Government’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).


Future Student Advisor+61 2 9339 8741[email protected]

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Facture – the manner in which something is made
Join us Saturday 12 April for the 2025 Drawing Symposium at the National Art School, presented by the National Centre for Drawing. Featuring a diverse range of national and international speakers, as well as associated performances and exhibitions, this event is held in conjunction with the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize. The symposium will explore the theme of Facture, a concept that emphasises an artwork’s tangible reality as an intentionally crafted object, linking the act of creation directly to its physical presence. Considering an artwork in terms of its facture reveals it as a record of the artist’s decisions, methods, and materials. Discussions will examine how this concept enriches our understanding of drawing and aligns with contemporary and interdisciplinary approaches to art-making. 
Learn more and buy tickets at the link in bio.
Opening night and winner announcement: 24th Dobell Drawing Prize  Join us on Thursday 10 April for the opening night of the 24th Dobell Drawing Prize, Australia’s leading prize for drawing, and an unparalleled celebration of technique, innovation and expanded practice. The winner will be announced at 6:30pm.  Presented at the National Art School in partnership with the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, this biennial exhibition continues to highlight the enduring relevance and changing role of drawing within contemporary art practice. The winning work enters the National Art School’s significant collection, built over the past 120 years.  This 24th edition is curated by Lucy Latella and showcases the work of 56 finalists, selected from 965 nationwide entries by judging panel Vernon Ah Kee, Dr Yolunda Hickman and Paula Latos-Valier AM.  RSVP at the link in bio.
Our academic year kicked off with Drawing Week, a program of drawing intensive workshops for our 2nd and 3rd year BFA students.  At the @sydneyoperahouse workshop, led by Drawing Lecturer Tango Conway, students were invited to experiment and expand their practice in an environment rarely open to the public.  Learn more about the BFA program at the link in bio.
Become a part of our community of art lovers and support the next generation of artists.  Unlock exclusive access to a specialist program of annual events such as exhibition previews, curator-led tours, artist talks, studio visits, and artists’ parties.   Find out more at the link in bio.