Dobell Programs for Teachers and Year 11 Students - National Art School

Dobell Programs for Teachers and Year 11 Students


Dobell Drawing School for Year 11 students

Generously funded by the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, the Dobell Drawing School offers an opportunity for Year 11 Visual Art students from government high schools in Sydney’s west and south-west and nominated regional areas (In 2023 the nominated regional areas are Western NSW and the South Coast.) to participate in one of five workshops including Drawing the Nude, Portrait Drawing, Drawing the Clothed Model, Objective Drawing and Experimental Drawing. The program culminates in a pop-up exhibition at the National Art School  campus in the heart of Darlinghurst.

  • Students are nominated by their Visual Arts teachers.
  • Information regarding this program will be sent to participating high schools in early Term 1.


Lorraine Kypiotis, Head of Undergraduate Studies
+61 2 9339 8738


Generously funded by the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, the Dobell Regional Teachers’ Workshop offers two days of intensive drawing for teachers from NSW government high schools. Through the workshop a practicing artist from the NAS will encourage participants to share ideas and debate issues with peers while exploring technical and conceptual directions.

Each year a different NSW regional area is targeted to ensure this opportunity is extended to as many Visual Arts teachers as possible. In 2023 the nominated regional areas are the Riverina, Western NSW and South Coast.

Completing The National Art School Dobell Regional Teachers’ Workshop will contribute to NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Registered PD hours addressing 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 3.3.2, 3.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

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We’re looking for a Facilities and Risk Manager - Application Deadline Sunday 13 April  The Facilities and Risk Manager effectively manages and organises services and resources for the facilities, workshop, security, WHS, and campus operations of National Art School in Darlinghurst. In addition, they provide strategic support and advice to senior management on all issues related to facilities and campus operations.  Apply at the link in bio.