2020 International Residencies Announced

cité internationale des arts

2020 International Residencies Announced

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of our 2020 international residencies.

British School at Rome Residency
Skye Wagner (Sessional Lecturer, Photomedia)

Onslow Storrier Studio at La Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris Residency
Lisa Jones (Sessional Lecturer, Drawing) and Julia Davis (Sessional Lecturer, Sculpture) (in collaboration)
Sienna White (BFA (Hons) Graduate and Sessional Lecturer, Drawing)
Sassy Park (MFA Graduate)
Peter Burgess (Head of Printmaking)

Congratulations to our 2020 residents, we can’t wait to see what you do with your time in these European centres of artistic excellence!

About the British School at Rome Residency
The British School at Rome is a centre of interdisciplinary research excellence in the Mediterranean supporting the full range of arts, humanities and social sciences, and the residency has been made possible through the generosity of Jennifer Dowling and our donors.

About the La Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris Residency
The Onslow Storrier National Art School Paris Studio is located at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. The residency has been established for the National Art School’s alumni, students and staff through the generosity of Annette Onslow and Tim Storrier.

Image: CIA Marais © Istanbul

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